Columbus, Georgia’s new brand uses every font in the book
The city of Columbus, Georgia might not be on any list of ideal vacation destinations, but its new branding will sure put it on the map. Starting in 2015, the city began planning for the next decade; their study, titled Columbus2025, cited new branding as one of the area's five needs. After working with community branding firm ChandlerThinks, Columbus may have solved this need. The unique logo, composed of numerous typefaces and colors, was the result of extensive community research, including interviews with stakeholders, regional awareness surveys, and discussion sessions.
Columbus, GA's new logo with tagline, "We do amazing."
In the logo, each letter of the name “Columbus” is set in a different font, with “GEORGIA” tucked in just above a series of five mutable rectangles. According to Columbus2025 Chair Billy Blanchard, “[the new] brand tells the story of who we are. We're a diverse community. The technicolor rectangles below the varying letters represent the city's skyline, military, Chattahoochee river, and so on.
It's safe to say that Columbus's new logo has gained attention, now it's up to the city itself to follow up on it. Learn more about the new Columbus brand on their website.